#19 Ocean Voyage: Learning about the world’s five oceans
The world’s oceans cover more than 70 percent of our planet’s surface. No matter where in the world we live, our lives are everyday impacted by the ocean. We rely on the ocean for food, oxygen, travel, climate regulation, and resources such as medicine. But it isn’t just humans that rely on the ocean, all living species are impacted by the ocean’s health and patterns. In today’s activity, kids will learn specifically about what makes each of the five oceans unique and why their collective health is so necessary to protect. Kids will also plan their own voyage to help them better understand the expansiveness of the world’s oceans and learn more about what they can find there.
Pen or pencil
- Watch this video to learn about the world’s five oceans:
- Print these instructions to better engage with the activities.
- Answer these questions about the oceans, based on what you learned in the video
The deepest part of the world’s oceans, called the Mariana Trench, and is found in the __________________ ocean.
The health of the __________ ocean is especially threatened by oil spills.
The world’s second largest ocean is the ________________ ocean.
The ________________ ocean is the coldest ocean.
______________ is the smallest ocean.
What are some animals that rely on healthy oceans?
What are some threats facing the health of the oceans?
- Plan your own voyage across one of the world’s oceans!
- Decide on a destination for your voyage.
- Look at a world map. Which ocean will get you to your destination?
- The oceans are huge so a voyage might take days or weeks! Use this sea distances program to find a route and see how long your voyage will take, assuming you are travelling at 35 knots. https://sea-distances.org/
- Write down how many days the voyage will take here:
- What places or animals might you see on the way?
- Why did you choose this destination? Learn something new about the place.
Ocean Matters Connection
Teens who join us for our project at the Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology learn from navigators and crew about the journey of the Hōkūleʻa,a Polynesian double hulled canoe that honors traditional wayfinding through dead reckoning and celestial navigation. The Hōkūleʻa completed a world wide voyage arriving back in its home port of Honolulu in 2017.
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Arcadia Davies, Ocean Matters Youth Advocate Leader, recently graduated from Miami University with an interdisciplinary degree focusing on marine ecology and community engagement. She is passionate about connecting communities, especially youth, in ocean conservation projects. During college she practiced communicating science to the public through serving as the communication intern at The Island School in The Bahamas and taking numerous classes in marine ecology, creative writing, journalism, photography and community engagement. Arcadia has loved the ocean since a young age and strives to share that love with others.