“Coral reefs are the canary in the coal mine of the ocean. . .” Ocean Matters is currently focusing our research and education efforts on the coral reef in the Caribbean on the island of Utila, Honduras. While our mission is to advocate and educate for all threatened marine resources, we have chosen to work […]Read More
It has been six days since our plane landed, and we have yet to see the sun! Tropical storm weather has made it hard for us to collect our research and dive this week, but we have been troopers. We completed at least one dive a day, battling currents, winds, and even fire worms! On […]Read More
[dropcap]B[/dropcap] efore we can start our research project, we have to build the quadrats–the square plots with which we will measure coral vs. algal cover on the coral reef. Each quadrat is made with PVC piping drilled with holes to allow it to be both water proof and to sink onto the reef. We string […]Read More